1 April 2021


commitment Each year, the Foundation supports schools in the intervention zone to implement the “Ecological Schools” program in partnership with the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection.

The Foundation currently supports 11 schools that help students carry out ecological projects and encourage them to adopt good environmental practices.

The Foundation has just renewed its support for 8 schools that have been awarded the Green Flag label and is assisting 3 others in their applications.
Applications for the label (In progress)

  1. Jouamâa school
  2. Rommane school
  3. Feddane Chapou school

Green Flag schools

  1. Taghramt school
  2. Bouabbad school
  3. Khandak Zraraâ school
  4. Omar Ibn Khattab school
  5. Al Yassamine school
  6. Bni Hlou school
  7. Bni Ouassine school
  8. Aghattas school

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