Since its inception and as it has grown, the Tanger Med Group has implemented a gradual and evolving social responsibility approach in coordination with the stakeholders in its ecosystem and with a constant focus on environmental protection.
Tanger Med is committed to adopting a consistent and multidimensional CSR approach, integrated into both its projects and its operational approach. These projects, carried out directly by Tanger Med or through its Foundation, are both inclusive and have a strong impact on the territory. They are divided into five major focuses and 9 commitments.
Key focus areas of commitment
CSR actions are perfectly in line with the global framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to the influence and positioning of Tangier Med, a logistics hub and industrial competitiveness platform of international dimension.
Tanger Med’s CSR approach, structured in five strategic areas of focus divided into 10 commitments, is illustrated as follows:
Key focus areas of commitment
CSR actions are perfectly in line with the global framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to the influence and positioning of Tangier Med, a logistics hub and industrial competitiveness platform of international dimension.
Tanger Med’s CSR approach, structured in five strategic areas of focus divided into 10 commitments, is illustrated as follows:
Manage operations and infrastructure efficiently and sustainably
- Carry out operations and manage infrastructures at the port and in the business parks at the highest level of service quality and in compliance with social and environmental requirements
- Promote sustainable mobility solutions to connect the port, the business parks, and the territory.
Examples of initiatives
- Launch of Zero Paper for import and export port clearance
- Logistics solutions to strengthen the connectivity of the port and the business parks.
Adopt a governance system that allows for responsible day-to-day management
- Implement ethical and transparent governance to manage sustainable development issues and dialogue with stakeholders on a daily basis
- Build an intangible asset around the group’s identity and culture to strengthen lasting relationships with stakeholders and the territory.
Examples of actions
- Social dialogue with employees: Association des Œuvres Sociales de Tanger Med (social, cultural, sports, summer activities).
Participate in the sustainable development of the territory through an inclusive approach
- Develop human capital for the port, the business parks, and the socio-economic development of the territory
- Make the port and the business parks a resource interface to promote job creation, entrepreneurship, research, and innovation.
Examples of actions
- Opening of a third campus of 1337 School in partnership with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and 42 School
- Opening of the Lycée Méditerranéen d’excellence (Mediterranean School of Excellence), LYMED
- Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Very Small Enterprises (VSEs).
Develop human capital, innovation, and improve the social and economic impact
- Contribute to actions aimed at energy transition, circular economy, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity preservation by involving stakeholders from the port, business parks, and the territory
- Facilitate access to education and health and contribute to the improvement of living conditions in and around the port, the business parks, and throughout the territory through the Foundation.
Examples of actions
- Eco-responsible water management
- Recycling and circular economy
- Energy Efficiency program
- School transportation: collective mobilization against school dropout
- Construction of preschool units
- Launch of Eco-Schools
- Dalia Clean Beaches Program
- Program to connect the douars bordering Tanger Med Port Complex to the drinking water network
Play a role in the international supply chain
- Improve the territory’s logistics connectivity and strengthen links within the ecosystem.
- Develop cooperation with international stakeholders and strengthen the presence in international institutions.
Examples of initiatives
- Membership in international initiatives: Port Authorities Roundtable, ChainPort …
- Launch of the Africa Economic Zones Organization and African Port Task Force
- Partnerships and collaborations developed in Africa