Innovation, more than a choice, is becoming a vital element to carry out these transformations and establish a competitiveness that respects our planet. The Group’s innovation strategy aims to support two main objectives: economic performance and territorial development.
Economic Performance
Our innovation strategy is based on three key verticals: ports and services, industry, and logistics.

Port and Services
Accelerating the digital transformation of our ecosystem, enhancing the value of our subsidiaries’ service offering and improving competitiveness.

Build the pool of skills and technologies needed to reach a new level of Made In Morocco industrialization to make Morocco even more attractive as a destination

Organize a logistics corridor that is a key driver and connector for port and industrial activities These verticals are supported by several cross-functional thematic applications such as green energy, Big Data, and artificial intelligence.
Territorial Performance
The second objective is territorial development, which is an integral part of Tanger Med’s prerogatives and a key component of our CSR strategy. Innovation is becoming a vector for job creation at the local level, helping to increase the skills of the Group’s surrounding area. It is in this context that two major projects have been launched in 2021.

Launch of the Lycée Méditerranéen (Mediterranean High School)
In 2021, Tanger Med Group launched the Lycée Méditerranéen, which welcomed its first class of students in the MPSI (Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Sciences) branch of the scientific preparatory classes for engineering schools in September. This first class, composed of two classes, has 36% of students from the northern region and more than 30% of students from a disadvantaged social background.

Launch of 1337 Med
Tanger Med Group has supported the creation of “1337 MED”, the third campus of École 1337, in partnership with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and École 42. The school is part of a large network of forward-looking computer programming and coding schools designed to train the next generation of software engineers, with campuses located around the world. École 1337 offers training in computer development and coding that is totally free, accessible to all, with no prerequisites in terms of diploma or computer knowledge, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.