Aware of the challenges and impacts of digitization on global supply chains, Tanger Med Group has launched a study to define its digital strategy and the roadmap for its implementation. This reflection has helped consolidate Tanger Med Group’s ambition for digital transformation and express the strategic orientations that will carry this vision for years to come.

The process of building Tanger Med Group’s digital strategy was based on consultation with all of the Group’s stakeholders as well as an international benchmark covering both the main ports and major logistics free zones as well as industries that have successfully transformed their activities digitally.

This benchmark allowed us to identify the trajectories and the primary orientations used to drive and succeed in the digital transformation process for the main ports, logistics free zones, and selected industries. Furthermore, it has made it possible to identify the main use cases as well as the emerging technologies to be studied in order to define Tanger Med Group’s digital strategy.

Tanger Med Group’s strategic vision is defined along two major axes: the Group’s internal digital transformation and its positioning as a benchmark smart port, along with the Group’s external digital transformation and its positioning as a leader in the digitization of the logistics value chain at the African and international levels.

The strategic objectives expressed through the digital strategy are structured around the following axes:

Implementing its strategic orientations has made it possible to identify a portfolio of structuring projects that are in line with the continuity of the digitization initiatives undertaken by the group and that include a set of innovative projects based on emerging technologies such as blockchain, the use of drones, cyber security, and the use of data to build new business models, etc.

The implementation of this roadmap and the realization of these projects will enable Tanger Med Group to position itself as a global and transversal “digital end-to-end” logistics actor supporting economic operators throughout the international logistics value chain.