19 July 2021


A partnership agreement has been signed between Tanger Med and the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security
Amssnur. It aims to collaborate on the subjects of simplification and digitization of Amssnur inspections.

A first module has been developed: it concerns digitization of transit requests for Class 7 hazardous materials.

This module allows the digitization of transit requests for nuclear (Class 7) and radioactive materials sources filed by Amssnur via Tanger Med Port Community System platform.

It consists in compiling the complete file of the request in a digital format and then submitting it to Tanger Med Harbor Master’s Office for review and confirmation and subsequently transmitting it to Amssnur for Validation or Rejection.This module also allows the generation of additional letters, transit authorizations and visit reports.

A pilot phase will be launched in July for the commissioning of this module.

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